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Industries who cause a great stir

Dust collection and Air cleaning play a significant role in non metallic and mineral processes. AirFilt filter components will sort out your process:
Furnaces, dryers, grinding, classifying, work spaces, mechnical processing, storing, packing and transport ...>> Applications

AirFilt in the press

Perhaps you would like to know about the trade press reports on AirFilt Filtertechnik GmbH. The following press review presents extracts about current developments of the enterprise and its products. Consult further opinions.

Keramische Zeitschrift
(Ceramic magazine)

Edition 07_2002
  Chemie Anlagen Verfahren
(Chemical Industry Plants Processes)

Edition 09_2002

Similar publications about this topic have been published in the following media:

•   Die Ernährungsindustrie (Food industry), edition 10_2002
•   Deutsche Milchwirtschaft (German dairy farming), edition 06_2002


Das Gas und Wasserfach
Edition December_2009
  Filtrieren & Separieren
Edition 06_2009